13:05:53 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=51611862 13:15:30 From Troy Ronda : Yeh - want to see alignment with WACI PeX. 13:15:35 From Troy Ronda : Cool stuff. 13:24:25 From Troy Ronda : Timo - were you good with this too? 13:25:13 From Troy Ronda : Any changes you are thinking about? 13:25:14 From Timo Glastra : I missed the updates from George. Will review during/directly after this call 13:26:01 From Daniel Hardman : Hi, folks. This is Daniel just signing on late... 13:26:09 From Troy Ronda : I think merge and then we can do some updates on it this week if needed? 13:26:36 From Troy Ronda : Hi Daniel 13:26:37 From Troy Ronda : :) 13:26:56 From Troy Ronda : I think it would be a good idea to have a notice. 13:27:02 From Troy Ronda : One week sounds good. 13:27:07 From Nathan George : we 13:27:23 From Nathan George : ‘Re overdue for another spec reconciliation discussion 13:27:36 From Timo Glastra : @Troy That's okay with me 13:29:23 From Troy Ronda : https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/pull/660 13:29:35 From Troy Ronda : Should be labelled AIP2 ^^^ 13:34:04 From Troy Ronda : You encode with varint 13:35:47 From Troy Ronda : https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-method-key/#ed25519-x25519 13:36:00 From Troy Ronda : did:key:z6LSeu9HkTHSfLLeUs2nnzUSNedgDUevfNQgQjQC23ZCit6F did:key:z6LStiZsmxiK4odS4Sb6JmdRFuJ6e1SYP157gtiCyJKfrYha did:key:z6LSoMdmJz2Djah2P4L9taDmtqeJ6wwd2HhKZvNToBmvaczQ 13:37:14 From Troy Ronda : https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-method-key/issues/29#issuecomment-786028270 13:37:40 From Troy Ronda : https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-method-key/issues/29#issue-815983527 13:37:42 From Daniel Hardman : Merge! 13:38:12 From Troy Ronda : 0xed is a special case 13:42:06 From Troy Ronda : Fixed https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/pull/660/files 13:44:03 From Troy Ronda : Would it make sense to Merge and then open a PR? 13:47:30 From Troy Ronda : Do we have an open issues? 13:53:00 From Troy Ronda : We still have a pending kid /skid discussion right? 13:53:20 From baha : #631 but it’s not ready with 1PU draft4 change 13:54:28 From Troy Ronda : Examples seem like clarifications to me. 13:54:54 From Troy Ronda : I assume we can add examples even after AIP2 goes out. 13:55:31 From baha : yes 13:55:40 From Troy Ronda : It’s currently written as key id yes 13:55:50 From Troy Ronda : Using a DID URI as the key id. 14:16:34 From Troy Ronda : Note: the context URL for BBS got changed. 14:16:58 From Troy Ronda : It’s now https://w3id.org/security/suites/bls12381-2020/v1 14:17:16 From Troy Ronda : (Saw it in the example while you were scrolling) 14:17:41 From Troy Ronda : Can we fix AIP2 if something is missing? 14:18:11 From Troy Ronda : Would be great to be aligned as much as we can. 14:19:19 From Troy Ronda : So now we need to wait for AIP 3? :( 14:20:03 From Troy Ronda : So next week we start on the AIP 3 discussion lol. 14:22:15 From Troy Ronda : Yeh. Maybe 587 + another RFC. 14:23:48 From Troy Ronda : Yup. Something more broad. 14:25:46 From Troy Ronda : One discussion we should still get into is dealing with the redirect flows. 14:25:49 From Daniel Hardman : Sorry about the noise; I think I’ve been unmuted a couple times as people came to the door. (I’m moving this week. Chaos…) Didn’t mean to disturb our call.