13:06:13 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=51611309 13:22:40 From Stephen Curran : Stepping out for a moment 13:25:15 From Stephen Curran : Back -- are we done with AIP 2? 13:33:16 From Troy Ronda : Hey all - sorry I’m late. 13:37:33 From Troy Ronda : Anyways, I kinda feel like value has more limited value. 13:37:47 From Troy Ronda : Because you have to dereference anyways. 13:38:01 From Troy Ronda : When evaluating from. 13:39:39 From Troy Ronda : Yup - agree that it would be best that value should be part of the DID when that’s needed … like in did:peer. It would be nice to not need to invent some extra value field. 13:40:38 From Troy Ronda : And also the existing spec already does id not value :). 13:42:55 From Troy Ronda : Yup. 13:46:22 From Troy Ronda : My vote would be just to do DIDs and not values. 14:06:36 From Troy Ronda : And I’ll open the PR for ECDH-1PU draft 04.