16:39:39 From James Ebert (Indicio) : Also, @Pablo, I am in-progress on presentations / verifications in iOS. Planning on a PR today or tomorrow roughly. 16:40:15 From Pablo ROMEU (UNICC) : Nice! I am about to start working on that. I will have a look at it :) thx 16:51:21 From Timo Glastra : https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=node-fetch@2.6.1 16:51:39 From Timo Glastra : https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=axios@0.21.1 17:00:51 From James Ebert (Indicio) : I have to drop at this point, thanks everyone! 17:02:23 From Pablo ROMEU (UNICC) : Same for me. Thanks! Awesome work as always!