13:06:27 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=51610187 14:27:07 From Timo Glastra : I agree with Justin. The URL should just resolve the message 14:27:22 From Troy Ronda : Yup. Should just resolve the message. 14:28:36 From Troy Ronda : I’d rather just have guidance than using tricks to prevent known shortners ;). 14:28:50 From Timo Glastra : ^^ 14:29:26 From Timo Glastra : You can do wrong in a lot places. Feels unnecessary to make this specific case impossible 14:29:41 From Troy Ronda : Yup. Aries-shortner.com/guid :P 14:30:27 From Timo Glastra : the domain is free! new business idea :-) 14:30:30 From Troy Ronda : lolz