13:06:48 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=50136033 13:06:50 From baha : Also https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/pull/635 for kid/skid referencing 13:23:01 From Troy Ronda : What are we doing for the BBS+ one? 13:36:03 From Timo Glastra : I'm working on the BBS+ RFC. Can have an initial version by next week 13:36:15 From Troy Ronda : Awesome - looking forward to it. 13:39:31 From Troy Ronda : I’d prefer that we just make it an example. 13:43:59 From Troy Ronda : With BBS+ signatures, the @id (if present) is included in the child revealed RDF statements. 13:45:51 From Timo Glastra : I like the thread id approach 13:51:06 From Timo Glastra : Maybe a little note about the ~please_ack decorator can be added? 13:54:41 From Timo Glastra : I think we should simplify the decorator 13:57:14 From Timo Glastra : Suprisingly we've implemented this in AFJ 13:57:19 From Timo Glastra : But just the most basic version 14:09:04 From Troy Ronda : I think 0434 still need a checkmark set in the list. 14:14:37 From Troy Ronda : What’s left for 510?