15:40:27 From KinyaELGrande : Hello everyone , am glad to be here …. I am not a typescript developer my stack is golang 15:41:27 From Timo Glastra : Hi! Good to have you here! 15:41:46 From Ajay Jadhav : Hey, welcome to this group.. 15:42:01 From Ajay Jadhav : +1 to this issue of getting rid of “lib” folder 15:42:31 From Timo Glastra : @KinyaELGrande could you give a short introduction in a bit? Curious to hear about your interest in the project 15:43:47 From KinyaELGrande : Am a developer from Kenya , I am a big fan of blockchain , my enthusi 15:44:11 From Ajay Jadhav : Yes 15:45:03 From Ajay Jadhav : It does it the Angular way of DI 15:46:02 From Ajay Jadhav : This is excellent, looks modular 15:46:19 From Ajay Jadhav : nope 15:54:08 From KinyaELGrande : I am sorry got disconnected for a while. I am new to the Hyperledger community and technology am a backend developer , trying to learn as much as I can about the Hyperledger and I think I will be joining you guys in every meeting whenever am free and maybe even contribute something. Thank you. 15:56:49 From Pablo Romeu : Having a look at this. It works on React Native just in case it’s worth a look: https://github.com/microsoft/tsyringe 16:01:09 From Timo Glastra : https://github.com/typestack/typedi