09:08:06 From Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture) : PRIVACY, SSI Relationship 09:08:46 From Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture) : PAD/Liveness 09:08:53 From Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture) : INFANT Biometrics 09:22:04 From Alex Jonsson : https://www.edx.org/course/becoming-a-hyperledger-aries-developer 09:23:16 From Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture) : GHCP.org 09:23:53 From Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture) : sorry - https://www.goodhealthpass.org/ 09:44:32 From Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) : I think you can say the Network does maintain the Frozen Ledgers because there's nothing to do? 09:51:16 From Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) : Vision vs. version by version scope 09:55:55 From Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) : Show the Wiki again 09:56:24 From Richard Esplin : https://github.com/sovrin-foundation/sovrin-sip/pull/28 09:56:59 From Renata Toktar : FROZEN LEDGERS links: HIPE - https://github.com/esplinr/indy-hipe/blob/master/text/0162-frozen-ledgers/README.md Docs - https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node/blob/master/docs/source/requests.md#ledgers_freeze https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-plenum/blob/master/docs/source/transaction_freeze_ledgers.md 09:57:24 From Jim Mason : Thanks .. great discussion on frozen ledger concepts