12:05:28 From Drummond Reed : https://www.manning.com/books/self-sovereign-identity 12:10:50 From Vipin Bharathan : decentralized authorship! 12:11:04 From Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture) : it says PREORDER... when will it be published? 12:12:34 From Brian Behlendorf : Dan: looks like "21 of 24 chapters available" through that early access program 12:12:51 From Jim Mason : yes .. I have the book 12:12:53 From Jim Mason : Self-Sovereign Identity Alex Preukschat and Drummond Reed last update: 2021-02-27 12:13:02 From Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture) : thanks! 12:15:39 From Drummond Reed : https://www.manning.com/books/self-sovereign-identity 12:15:46 From Jim Mason : https://livebook.manning.com/book/self-sovereign-identity/welcome/v-10/ 12:16:28 From Jim Mason : Manning is great because they offer registered pdf files which Amazon does not — only Kindle there 12:19:43 From Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture) : the current PDF is 406 ages! 12:19:49 From Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture) : page 12:21:58 From Vipin Bharathan : Vies with " À la recherche du temps perdu" 12:36:15 From Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture) : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a9/Pagliacci_Original_Score_Cover.jpg 12:42:07 From Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture) : https://www.riigiteataja.ee/en/eli/530102013080/consolide 12:51:29 From Vipin Bharathan to stephane Mouy(Direct Message) : Accidentally muted you 12:51:33 From Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture) : Digital identity and trust: Commission launches public consultation on the eIDAS Regulation: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/digital-identity-and-trust-commission-launches-public-consultation-eidas-regulation 12:59:19 From Alfonso Govela : Thank Drummond for another great session. Great work!! We shall reference the book at our LMDWG here at Hyperledger 12:59:42 From Alfonso Govela : Thanks Vipin for coordinating all these sessions 13:00:53 From Jim Mason : Great session !! Thanks Drummond, Vipin ( and Dan ) 13:01:16 From Drummond Reed : My pleasure. We’ll certainly get out the word as soon as it’s finally published. 13:01:26 From Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture) : thanks! 13:01:27 From Fernando Marino : That’s great! Really, we’re seeing the rise of the 1st bible of SSI, congratulations! 13:01:28 From stephane Mouy : Indeed - thanks! 13:01:47 From Mick in Canberra : Now I know how much I don't know !! 13:02:07 From Sebastian Posth (ISCC Foundation) : Thanks for the presentation! Looking forward to reading the book. 13:03:39 From Miguel Jimenez : Thanks for the presentation, nice to see all the good progress on the book :)