12:31:22 From Nathan George : Apps on one phone cooperating++ 12:31:42 From Nathan George : (I install all of them to try, I think I have four installed right now) 12:32:28 From Riley Hughes : Only four?? I have 14 😊 12:32:30 From Nathan George : (Sorry, just three, the beta for the fourth expired) 12:32:46 From Riley Hughes : Nathan if you want some more apps let me know and I’ll send you some links 😂 12:33:20 From Nathan George : Trinsic Wallet is a good one to compare to. If there are other code bases with a wallet — like an install for BiFold I’ll add those to the ones I show and share 12:43:37 From Stephen Curran : Awesome about using Aries Framework - JavaScript 12:43:40 From Stephen Curran : Nice!! 12:43:41 From Riley Hughes : +1 12:44:23 From Pablo Romeu : +1 here too… 🎉 12:45:07 From Riley Hughes : Aries-mobileagent-bifold does a few things 12:45:19 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : I don't think we want to prevent other codebases in any way. 12:45:41 From Riley Hughes : 1. It indicates that it’s a mobile agent, keeping with prescident set by OSMA->AMA-X 12:46:13 From Riley Hughes : 2. It avoids stepping on other react native project toes 12:47:33 From Cristian Talle : +1 12:48:32 From Steve McCown : Don’t forget the swift / iOS developers. :-) 12:48:57 From David Clawson : Could be fun to take a look at Swift 12:50:02 From Oliveira Medeiros : Yep, im here for iOS Development on a native iOS Framework/App 12:50:45 From Riley Hughes : globalId has committed to open source an entire Aries framework in Swift - I wonder where they’re at with that. 12:51:46 From Nathan George : Riley++ we would like to know what they are up to as well 12:51:50 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : +1 to a mobile coordination call if somebody wants to start one. 12:52:02 From Jakub Koci : I’m also curious about that GlobaliD effort 12:52:07 From Pablo Romeu : +1 12:52:10 From Riley Hughes : @sam I think many of us thought that’s what this call was 😊 12:52:52 From Oliveira Medeiros : In what repo/link is this “Aries framework in Swift” ? 12:52:53 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : Which is why this conversation is good. :) 12:52:55 From Nathan George : aries-mobileagent-reactnative implies more related effort to aries-mobileagent-xamarin and aries-mobileagent-* than Aries-bifold would 12:53:10 From Jakub Koci : But I think mobile agent should be about implementing Aries protocol but building the app around. 12:53:17 From David Clawson : https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-shares-ssi-code-at-the-internet-identity-workshop-446debec43e7 12:53:42 From Jakub Koci : There should be Aries Java, Aries Swift, Aries JS and these should be used as library in mobile app 12:53:52 From David Clawson : Looks like they said they contributed the iOS work to Hyperledger, but no word on the code in the comments 12:54:09 From Pablo Romeu : I agree with you Jakub 12:54:44 From Jakub Koci : Yeah, but I asked them on Twitter and they respond it’s not public yet and they are waiting for some approval from Aries community 12:55:45 From Nathan George : Not finding the globalid contributions in GitHub, anyone know where they live (there is a wiki reference here https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=41588716) 12:56:22 From Nathan George : If they respond that they are waiting for approval, let them know we approve of PRs already ;) 12:56:36 From Nathan George : We approve already 12:56:54 From Jakub Koci : 🤷‍♂️ 12:56:57 From Nathan George : (Obviously we will have the same crazy name debate we always do, but we want them to work in the open) 12:57:04 From Nathan George : (And feel welcome) 12:58:16 From Timo Glastra : I agree Bifold does sound a lot better 12:58:55 From Jakub Koci : I would stay with Bifold and maybe if there is some pressure from the community we could rename later? 🤔 12:59:11 From Lohan Spies : +1 13:00:27 From Timo Glastra : Aries Mobile Agent React Native (Bifold edition) 13:00:41 From Cristian Talle : Personally I like Riley’s suggestion of aries-mobileagent-bifold 13:00:57 From Nathan George : +1 13:04:43 From Nathan George : I like James’ idea of aries-mobileagent-reactnative and would advocate for BiFold to be the main App Store release name that someone like Indicio should do