09:13:41 From Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) : 1. Trusted Digital Web webcasts (first 3, first 1 is 5 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU-rWqHm5p45dzXF2LJZjuNVJrOUR6DaD 2. Trusted Digital Web whitepaper: https://hyperonomy.com/2019/11/06/trusted-digital-web-whitepaper/ Self-Sovereign Identity Personal Data Usage Licensing (SSI-PDUL) Model whitepaper: https://hyperonomy.com/2021/01/27/self-sovereign-identity-personal-data-usage-licensing-ssi-pdul-model-solution-concept/ 3. Secure Data Storage Working Group (sds-wg) Confidential Storage (CS): Functional Architecture Reference Models (CS-FARMs) 0.36 whitepaper (placeholder): https://hyperonomy.com/2021/02/10/secure-data-storage-working-group-sds-wg-confidential-storage-cs-functional-architecture-reference-models-cs-farms-0-36-sample-diagrams/ 4. .vcred and .vcart Secure File Formats for VCs: CCG email discussions so far with some executable code (VCredReader Workbench) 09:14:53 From Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) : Reformatted: 1. Trusted Digital Web webcasts (first 3, first 1 is 5 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU-rWqHm5p45dzXF2LJZjuNVJrOUR6DaD 2. Trusted Digital Web whitepaper: https://hyperonomy.com/2019/11/06/trusted-digital-web-whitepaper/ 3. Self-Sovereign Identity Personal Data Usage Licensing (SSI-PDUL) Model whitepaper: https://hyperonomy.com/2021/01/27/self-sovereign-identity-personal-data-usage-licensing-ssi-pdul-model-solution-concept/ 4. Secure Data Storage Working Group (sds-wg) Confidential Storage (CS): Functional Architecture Reference Models (CS-FARMs) 0.36 whitepaper (placeholder): https://hyperonomy.com/2021/02/10/secure-data-storage-working-group-sds-wg-confidential-storage-cs-functional-architecture-reference-models-cs-farms-0-36-sample-diagrams/ 5. .vcred and .vcart Secure File Formats for VCs: CCG email discussions so far with some executable code (VCredReader Workbench) 09:22:07 From Alex Jonsson : https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9i5M3C_wSMOyIbw1Z8gkKg 09:22:15 From Alex Jonsson : Link to good health pass webinar 09:22:33 From Daniel Bachenheimer : thx 09:32:30 From Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) : I've been working with the Trinsic platform for a few weeks now ...very impressed with the way Trinsic has made what are otherwise very complex topics very understandable and very usable. 09:32:57 From Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) : Trinsic has also been very responsive when issues are arise. 09:33:39 From Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) : Great web UX as well as a very usable API ...strong 1:1 correspondence. 09:35:09 From Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) : Very similar to: https://hyperledger-indy.readthedocs.io/projects/hipe/en/latest/text/0002-agents/README.html#by-complexity 09:36:46 From Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) : More recent version: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/tree/master/concepts/0004-agents#by-complexity 09:41:04 From Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) : Similar to Model 19 in https://hyperonomy.com/2019/10/16/technology-adoption-models/ 09:41:39 From Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) : But I think in reality, I think the adoption model is closer to Model 20 in https://hyperonomy.com/2019/10/16/technology-adoption-models/ 09:42:32 From Alex Jonsson : Thanks for the presentation! Have to hop off 09:43:13 From Riley Hughes : https://medium.com/trinsic/4-keys-to-self-sovereign-identity-adoption-ad269b208569 09:56:34 From Michael Bailey@Paramount : Can you give a link to the slide deck? 10:02:40 From Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) : I don't see "plain old wallets" as very useful or appealing ..preferably something more a kin to the Trusted Digital Assistant: https://hyperonomy.com/2021/02/03/trusted-digital-assistant-conceptual-architecture/