12:05:42 From Karen Ottoni : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/DCI/2021-01-22+Meeting+notes 12:07:48 From David Boswell : https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/01/14/removing-barriers-to-contribution-with-regional-community-chapters 12:16:28 From David Boswell : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/DCI/Turning+Recommendations+into+Proposed+Motions+for+the+GB+and+TSC 12:21:03 From David Boswell : https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/dci-wg/message/252?p=,,,20,0,0,0::Created,,inclusive,20,2,0,78367835 12:27:55 From David Boswell : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/DCI/DCI-WG+Recommendations+To+The+TSC+2020 12:31:27 From Brian Behlendorf : Diversity Civility Inclusiveness (DCI) Motions “To increase the diversity, civility, and inclusiveness of the Hyperledger community, the Governing Board hereby: 1. shall direct the Marketing Committee and Hyperledger staff to organize and conduct at least one diversity-focused ‘contribution campaign’ per quarter in 2021. These should focus on particular projects and pathways likely to increase the diversity of the project’s user and developer base, and raising its profile publicly. Hyperledger staff shall continue to build DCI commitment to marketing and event campaigns. 2. agree to commit an individual from our respective organizations currently involved in Hyperledger or blockchain activities to participation in the DCI Working Group, to: (a) attend the once-every-two-week meetings, (b) bring those discussions back to others in their organization, and (c) look for internal opportunities for collaboration in support of DCI initiatives. 3. agree to facilitate introductions to other organizations focus 12:31:35 From Brian Behlendorf : Those are the motions the GB approved in November 2020 12:32:08 From Brian Behlendorf : 3. agree to facilitate introductions to other organizations focused on bringing underrepresented groups into software development, in order to create new collaboration opportunities for the Hyperledger community. 4. direct Hyperledger staff to regularly review the ability for new contributors to participate in the Hyperledger community, and to coach and provide guidance to projects with implementing changes to make the community a more welcoming and inclusive space.” Hyperledger staff shall work with the DCI WG to develop and track benchmarks for diversity activities. 12:32:29 From Marc Liberati : Could build around international days that are centered in diversity, civility, and inclusion (see https://www.un.org/en/sections/observances/international-days/). For example 1 March is the day of zero discrimination, 21 March International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, 16 November International Day for Tolerance , 3 December International Day of Persons with Disabilities. 12:39:44 From Daniela Barbosa : http://www.code2040.org/ 12:40:29 From Daniela Barbosa : https://training.linuxfoundation.org/announcements/blacks-in-technology-and-the-linux-foundation-partner-to-offer-up-to-100000-in-training-certification-to-deserving-individuals/ 12:51:15 From David Boswell : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/DCI/2020+04+29 12:54:24 From Daniela Barbosa : https://github.com/chaoss/wg-diversity-inclusion 12:54:45 From Daniela Barbosa : https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/dci-wg 12:55:28 From David Boswell : https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/dci-wg/topics 12:56:27 From Karen Ottoni : identity.linuxfoundation.org