13:04:41 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=41588229 13:27:59 From George Aristy : @Stephen - can we get a link to the presentation? 13:29:13 From Troy Ronda : I, of course, would like to see AFG interop ;). 13:30:03 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : Us to Troy. :) 13:38:03 From Troy Ronda : Including a mediator target in AIP is a good idea so the projects can use each other. 13:38:45 From Troy Ronda : Interoperable mediator coordination I guess? 13:42:53 From Troy Ronda : +1 Stephen. 13:45:15 From Stephen Curran : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1trbAnVLomRr5TjUBC0U9N8bbiaahmPmTBeIYzWaDBj8/edit#slide=id.gae9f8356e0_0_83 14:00:54 From Troy Ronda : +1 Goal codes. 14:02:15 From Troy Ronda : +1 Daniel. 14:02:26 From George Aristy : +1 14:17:56 From Troy Ronda : Mediator list is missing 0094 - forward 14:24:29 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : I vote NO on pickup 14:28:23 From George Aristy : Thank you Stephen! 14:28:29 From Kevin Griffin (m00sey) : thanks folks