13:08:14 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=41587389 13:15:51 From Troy Ronda : Very cool Stephen! 13:53:24 From Troy Ronda : I’d like to see ledger-agnostic revocation. 13:53:31 From Troy Ronda : So I’m not sure if that is covered here. 14:12:12 From Troy Ronda : Stephen - was Issue Credential v2 and Present Proof v2 shown? 14:17:34 From Timo Glastra : @Stephen: I'm just now noticing the flag! Awesome :) 14:18:37 From Troy Ronda : I’m in favor of being able to express a mediator profile in AIP. 14:18:49 From Troy Ronda : Esp. if it’s opt-out anyways. 14:19:30 From Daniel Hardman : I want to consider the updated feature discovery protocol. Also maybe a handful of standardized goal codes. 14:20:38 From Troy Ronda : I assume the Indy specific RFC would also be an opt-out. 14:21:30 From Troy Ronda : I think registry documents are a good idea. 14:25:53 From Philip Feairheller : Can someone post a link to the AIP document? 14:26:49 From Stephen Curran : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gvv0VNEfnYjJXgscxYRJ38f_KRrojNKv5hrF2t-oESM/edit?usp=sharing 14:28:33 From Troy Ronda : Is there a link to Indy Proof Request Best Practices?