13:07:16 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=41584622 13:14:55 From Stephen Curran : Awesome about the BBS+ support in the Go Framework! 13:29:02 From Juan Caballero : What's Wallet Foundation + ? 13:30:37 From Juan Caballero : thank you! 13:35:50 From Juan Caballero : Not Aries related at all, but I found the ReBase session fascinating! Recommended for anyone who was sad when Keybase got bought by Zoom to cannibalize their dev team... 13:42:34 From Juan Caballero : Starting next week we have a little educational sprint: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/interoperability/blob/master/agenda.md 13:43:05 From Juan Caballero : on LD VCs -- Kyle is coming later to talk about BBS+ specifically 13:55:37 From Juan Caballero : Georg Eckl 13:59:43 From Drummond Reed : This has nothing to do with the media type, but from a pure semantic POV, *.dcom seems a more intuitive file extension than *.dcem 14:00:57 From Drummond Reed : Should there be 3 filename extensions for when the 3 message types are saved as files? 14:01:10 From Drummond Reed : I must drop now, but wanted to ask those Q’s 14:05:53 From Artur Philipp : Can you please explain in a few words what a „goal-code“ is? Heard it for the first time… 14:08:49 From James Ebert : RFC: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/tree/master/concepts/0519-goal-codes 14:09:17 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/pull/530 14:09:34 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : Human Readable Verifiable Identifier 14:09:43 From Artur Philipp : Thanks a lot! 14:09:47 From Artur Philipp : Makes sense to me! :) 14:13:03 From Artur Philipp : I have a topic / question regarding concepts of mediation agents and notfying mobile wallet apps. Not sure if this question fits here. (Already sent an e-mail to Stephen)... 14:13:20 From Nathan George : project report calendar https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/TSC/2020+TSC+Project+Update+Calendar 14:13:23 From Artur Philipp : yes 14:14:08 From Stephen Curran : Thanks Nathan - that helps. 14:25:27 From Juan Caballero : thx!