07:03:59 From Adam Lambert : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=41583284 07:04:00 From Stephen Curran : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=41583285&draftShareId=b3f4671f-86cf-41f6-a77d-69ccf44335df& 07:07:04 From Alex Jonsson : https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community.3?pwd=UE90WHhEaHRqOGEyMkV3cldKa2d2dz09 07:08:51 From Jim Mason : I see the Aries B call zoom url on the wiki needs to be corrected 07:08:58 From Jim Mason : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/Aries+Working+Group 07:11:46 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : +1 for yaml config! 07:33:03 From Jim Mason : makes sense the verifier use case sets the revocation currency requirement 07:35:48 From Rouven Heck : +q re. assumption / goals: chain specific/agnostic? 07:39:26 From Jim Mason : is there a thought to a design later on that can scale better? 07:40:00 From Martin Riedel : q+ 07:47:51 From Martin Riedel : q+ Are the design differences of Tail 1.0 vs Rev 2.0 solely explained by ECC Accumulator vs RSA Accumulator? 07:51:47 From Martin Riedel : I answer that myself and Mike can object: I think aspect that we don’t need a tails file is related to the prime generator and NOT to the accumulator type. The batching possibility and the easier update IS related to the properties of the RSA accumulator. 07:54:01 From Brent Zundel : I agree about the merkle tree model having better data handling characteristics 07:54:33 From Michael Lodder : Martin, Batching works for both ECC and RSA 07:54:35 From Brent Zundel : and the interface can match with the W3C revocation bit array 07:54:43 From Michael Lodder : prime number is just an element 07:58:36 From Martin Riedel : Mike, for the Merkle Tree-based Proof data what size (depth or # elements) is that based on. (e.g. 1s proof generation), or is it independent of size? 07:59:16 From Michael Lodder : If its just the revoked ranges, proof generation and proof size depends on the depth of th etree 08:00:26 From Oliver Terbu : Couldn’t there be just an abstract interface for revoke(x), isRevoked(x), so you won’t have any limitations? 08:00:45 From Oliver Terbu : (Sure, the actual interface might look different) 08:02:34 From Rouven Heck : can collecting data + proofing run in parallel? 08:02:41 From Michael Lodder : yep 08:04:24 From Troy Ronda : I like simplifying what the ledger has to do and trying to work with the other efforts like the compressed bit array. 08:05:29 From Troy Ronda : Ideally we can just use DIDs from the ledger. 08:05:31 From Martin Riedel : unrevoked ranges are only anonymous if my range is >1, correct (depends a little on HOW much is revoked), but I lose anonyminity if my neighbors are revoked, correct? 08:07:46 From Rouven Heck : Thanks! 08:07:50 From Artur Philipp : Thanks a lot!