00:07:12 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=39619707 00:46:07 Lynn Bendixsen: I think the network chooses the governance it want's to apply to itself, not the other way around... 00:48:33 Stephen Curran: +1 to Sam's comments 00:52:40 Drummond Reed: Let’s just turn the humans into machines—it would make things soooo much simpler 00:59:18 Lynn Bendixsen: Use cases? 01:00:17 Jim Mason: Drummond - we’ve been doing that for years — 1 step at a time 01:00:39 Drummond Reed: ;-) 01:13:50 Troy Ronda: And threading also. 01:25:16 Lynn Bendixsen: then re-revoked?