09:20:44 From Kevin Griffin (Scoir) : https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go scoir is utilizing the framework in it's own open source intiative Canis - https://github.com/scoir/canis 09:27:25 From Brian To Steve McCown(privately) : just getting started with Indy and blockchain, I would like to start with duplicating the indy demo on a windows 10 machine. Any help on this, would be greatly appreciated 09:31:58 From Jim Mason : please post gdoc id in chat - thanks! 09:34:44 From Steve McCown To Brian(privately) : The Indy GitHub link has a lot of good information for getting started. There are .net and Xamarin implementations that are helpful for windows 09:34:47 From Steve McCown To Brian(privately) : https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-sdk 09:37:26 From Steve McCown : Meeting Wiki link: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/IWG/2020-08-27+Identity+Implementers+WG+Call 09:44:45 From Brian To Steve McCown(privately) : thanks, I will take a read. Just found this meeting earlier today. Looks like good info. 09:48:10 From Steve McCown To Brian(privately) : Thank you for joining! In this call, we try to give an overview of what’s going on in the SSI industry, so it’s a good place to learn new things and get updates on what’s going on in the working groups we didn’t attend. I also try to have a guest speaker to give an overview on one of the SSI areas, their company’s use of SSI, etc. 09:48:34 From Michael Boyd : What does v2 of DIDComm mean for current maintainers of language specific Aries frameworks? How should we prepare for v2? Is it foolhardy to implement Aries RFC on v1 DiDComm with v2 on the horizon? 09:50:19 From Jim Mason To Steve McCown(privately) : Hi Steve- I can’t find the presentation link shown here on the meeting agenda page — do you have that link? thanks 09:51:18 From Steve McCown To Jim Mason(privately) : It’s at the bottom of the agenda, so it’s not as apparent. I’ll move it to the top. Here’s the link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YiL-A9YaNgQpFBraJJOLLUPyFfZ6uQ1uqtTCiDZxNqI/edit#slide=id.g94e888a881_0_0 09:53:02 From Brian To Steve McCown(privately) : this forum is a great resource, I will try to attend regularly. I have a lot to learn. 09:53:55 From ELISA & IVAN BELLESIA SERRA : Sorry because the time between USA and DUBAI we arrived late 09:55:20 From Steve McCown : No worries about arriving late — very glad you could join! :-) I’m recording the call and should have the recording posted on the wiki page later today. 09:57:47 From ELISA & IVAN BELLESIA SERRA : @steve great did you see our profile? 09:58:32 From Brian To Steve McCown(privately) : are there any Indy working groups? 09:58:40 From Jim Mason : thanks - great presentation 09:59:10 From Philip Feairheller : Thank you Sam, that was great 09:59:44 From ELISA & IVAN BELLESIA SERRA : We will stay in touch to understand more about your foundation in the next presentation THANK YOU MR SAM FOR THE IVNITATION 10:00:06 From ELISA & IVAN BELLESIA SERRA : NEXT TIME WE WILL BE ON TIME