04:32:40 From Juan Caballero : 04:39:36 From Nathan_George : Will there be a link to the paper you reference here in the notes somewhere? 04:39:57 From Nathan_George : (The paper by DanBoneh for the RSA setup) 04:41:41 From Drummond Reed : I want that cake! 04:42:04 From Meeting Host To malwhere(privately) : There is a question in the chat for you 04:46:29 From Brent Zundel : I believe the RSA Accumulator paper is this one: https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/1494.pdf 04:47:40 From Nathan_George : Brent++ 04:49:10 From Meeting Host To malwhere(privately) : Will you be able to post links to mentions papers? 04:52:08 From Juan Caballero : https://github.com/mikelodder7/accumulator-rs/ 04:52:09 From malwhere : https://github.com/mikelodder7/accumulator-rs 04:52:42 From Nathan_George : https://github.com/mikelodder7/accumulator-rs/tree/master/accumulator-ecc 04:55:51 From malwhere : https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/1188.pdf 04:55:55 From malwhere : This is the RSA paper 04:59:28 From domwoe : As a holder do I get the witness at point of issuance only or do I have to get an update if there have been revocations? 05:01:10 From Aaron Reed : Last I heard, using BBS+ didn’t support predicate proofs. Any changes/updates on that front? 05:01:14 From domwoe : thx 05:01:27 From marnixbent : So eventually you do need a ledger 05:02:35 From Juan Caballero : ^ need is a strong word, but I would definitely like to hear more debate on this topic :D 05:03:29 From malwhere : No ledger is required 05:07:51 From malwhere : Link to slides https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pUGAp6rvyQvVKHxGN2M83oaQwppowwzLrFyMjRXm9sU/edit?usp=sharing 05:09:45 From camparra : BuT ZkPs ArEnT NIST CeRtiFied 05:10:17 From camparra : /sarcasm 05:19:10 From camparra : One does not simply change indy-node 05:19:17 From Juan Caballero : oooops 05:19:26 From Juan Caballero : sorry I think I signed up and then forgot to take notes 05:19:39 From Meeting Host To Juan Caballero(privately) : Yes))) 05:19:53 From Juan Caballero To Meeting Host(privately) : i may have inadvertently revoked my offer 05:23:10 From Juan Caballero To Meeting Host(privately) : drop me an email when you upload the video and chat logs, and i'll do the notes tonite while my memory is still fresh 05:23:20 From Juan Caballero To Meeting Host(privately) : communication@identity.foundation 05:23:23 From Nathan_George : Trust-Framework branded credentials 05:23:25 From Meeting Host To Juan Caballero(privately) : Okay, Thank you! 05:23:31 From Kyle Den Hartog : That’s a good name for that 05:23:34 From Nathan_George : Where the issuers are anonymous but the overall consortium is known 05:23:39 From Juan Caballero To Meeting Host(privately) : also, side note, we should chat anyways! i am doing research on edcred interop also :D 05:24:45 From Meeting Host To Juan Caballero(privately) : Sure 05:26:33 From Juan Caballero : not that UN 05:26:47 From Rouven Heck : might also be a good topic for one of the DIF WGs 05:27:00 From Rouven Heck : in particular for spec work 05:27:05 From Rouven Heck : thanks! 05:27:34 From malwhere : MALodder