06:06:51 From bbosch : Any examples explaining the difference between a schema and a cred def? 06:07:34 From Ian Costanzo : A schema defines the attributes for a credential, the credential definition links it to an issuer’s DID 06:07:55 From bbosch : Alright thanks! 06:08:06 From marnixbent : schema is more of a template, cred def is the implementation 06:08:18 From Ian Costanzo : Each issuer needs to have their own credential definition, they can share a schema 06:11:57 From Victor Syntez : Am I correct to understand that Verified Claim is similar in this explanation to Verified Credential. Or Verified Credentials will be a collection of Claims presented together? 06:12:55 From Victor Syntez : got that! 06:14:20 From Marty Reed : within that verified credential, can you break apart and verify the individual claims within a proof request? 06:16:20 From Marty Reed : great thanks 06:19:18 From Satish Hadimani : Is "Selective Credential Disclosure Attribute/s " schema is implementation specific or part of standard schema 06:20:59 From Satish Hadimani : Thanks, 06:25:10 From Marty Reed : so is a resolver another node type? 06:26:36 From Marty Reed : how then do you register a new network? 06:27:19 From bbosch : Furthermore, can you not pose as another network? 06:37:07 From mitfik : How you would deal with "sub" network like test / dev/ etc? does that mean you have to create "new did method" for each? 06:44:26 From Robert Mitwicki : Would we address the problem of having did:sov, get schema from findy and issue credential for that did:sov on lissi? 06:46:13 From Victor Syntez : Tom Cruise is coming on tho scene)) 06:52:40 From bbosch : Instead of DNS, why not another blockchain that ties Indy subnets to their address/genesis entry 06:52:44 From bbosch : :D