00:07:07 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=36734018 00:13:17 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=36734018 00:30:53 Drummond Reed: Hmmm. I like the term “intent codes” maybe a little better than “goal codes”. 00:32:35 John Callahan: Might conflict with Android Intents (https://developer.android.com/guide/components/intents-filters) 00:32:52 John Callahan: Similar idea though… 00:34:50 Robert Mitwicki: we started thinking about similar protocol for consent request and we called it "purpose codes" 00:35:15 Ajay Jadhav: aries.vc.revoke ? 00:42:49 Daniel Hardman: @ajay: yes, we should add that 00:43:43 George Aristy: Isn't that declarative programming? 00:45:55 George Aristy: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/blob/master/concepts/0430-machine-readable-governance-frameworks/README.md 00:47:27 Robert Mitwicki: use did ;) 00:47:46 John Callahan: good ref, george. I like Purpose to align with governance 00:48:04 Drummond Reed: You beat me to it Robert ;-) 00:51:53 Drummond Reed: +1 to purpose codes 00:55:17 Ajay Jadhav: Useful in USSD use cases for low-tech mobile agents ? 01:02:47 Drummond Reed: Is there a language tag option for presenting the menu in other human languages? 01:03:36 Drummond Reed: +1 to adding purpose codes to this 01:03:51 Drummond Reed: that would add to the machine understandability 01:06:37 Drummond Reed: +1 to it being a good way to explore new protocols 01:10:46 Stephen Curran: All the text elements can use the localization decorator. 01:13:04 Stephen Curran: I should say "could" 01:17:32 George Aristy: next item on our action menu... 01:28:57 George Aristy: aries-framework-go has that API: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go@v0.1.3/pkg/vdri/key?tab=doc#VDRI.Build 01:29:08 George Aristy: Takes in a public key, outputs a didDoc 01:30:30 Brent Zundel: link to Ursa code that transforms an ed25519 public key to an X25519 public key. 01:30:34 Brent Zundel: https://github.com/hyperledger/ursa/blob/master/libursa/src/signatures/ed25519.rs#L37