12:06:14 From Marco Carvalho : recording started 12:31:59 From Yacobus Mardagiono : Hi, according to your presentation, 2 of EDI's barrier are initial cost for development and operator training. I think using Blockchain has these barrier too. My question are 1. Are my argument true that blockchain has barrier in initial cost and operator training? 2. If it is true, based on your experience how difficult and expensive using EDI compare to Blockchain? 12:32:29 From jeff stollman : Isn't EDI competing more against GS1 standards, rather than blockchain? 12:32:58 From Alicia Noel : Wouldn’t EDI be using GS1 (or other) standards, to facilitate how they structure the data for exchange? 12:34:24 From Yacobus Mardagiono : thank you for your answer! 12:34:31 From Amim Knabben : How the participants interact with the network, do you had an API gateway for this? Was the approach better than the EDI one? 12:35:10 From Dr. Raj D. Sigamani PhD : Are there any standards that are technology agnostic and with respect to interoperability in the works for adopting DLT solutions? 12:37:53 From Chaddy Huussin : Do you see blockchain technology pushing new EDI standards or you think Blockchain technology will have to adapt ? 12:39:43 From Alicia Noel : If any of you are interested in how standards are being used in supply chains, here’s the panel I mentioned. https://www.meetup.com/The-NewYork-SupplyChain-Meetup/events/271773351/ 12:52:16 From Anshu Jain : Hi Michael, Interesting comment on "enriching data" I would like to mention several use cases around the carbon / environmental impact on a product as it moves through the supply chain. For interest I would like to introduce the Hyperledger Climate SIG - where we are figuring out several proof of concepts around sustainable supply chains and consumer disclosure. Any interest in collaborating welcome. Supply chain insights will be very valuable. 12:55:46 From Anshu Jain : Thank you Alicia. It will be great for me to know more about this 13:00:11 From Dr. Raj D. Sigamani PhD : Polkadot, Chainlink and. …? 13:00:25 From Alicia Noel : https://origintrail.io/ has built a platform that interacts across several different blockchains - including Hyperledger. 13:00:27 From Tom Klein : cosmos 13:00:34 From Arun : Cosmos 13:00:47 From Arun : Polkadot, Chainlink and Cosmos 13:01:02 From Dr. Raj D. Sigamani PhD : Thanks, great presentation Arun, Mike !! 13:01:29 From Simeon : Thank you, Arun, Mike, and Tom! 13:01:30 From Ben Taylor : Great job everyone! 13:01:32 From Alicia Noel : Thank you Run and Mike for a great presentation! Thank you Tom for organizing.