09:07:23 From Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture) : the light is on 09:07:54 From Steve McCown : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=36733174&draftShareId=fb701a80-02d9-4823-8672-5a9d91a91dae& 10:01:09 From Horacio Nunez : Kiva.global/protocol 10:01:42 From Nathan George : We are in the process of setting up community friendly builds and opening all the repos. Here https://github.com/kiva?q=&type=public&language= 10:01:44 From Horacio Nunez : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/183TsMhRJLNQobfPZj6GJwwj8UWX24en_eGWH9ceOGug/edit?usp=sharing 10:02:14 From Nathan George : (Some of them are WIP so check the READMEs and find us on chat with questions)