00:04:19 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=31201277 00:08:33 Andrew Whitehead: amazing range for an electric vehicle 00:10:52 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=31201277 00:13:06 Tomislav Markovski: +1 for network in did method 00:13:35 Drummond Reed: -1 to doing that 00:13:39 Drummond Reed: VERY bad idea 00:13:40 Andrew Whitehead: The universal resolver is already using one method for that (which nobody else is afaik) 00:14:00 Drummond Reed: Seriously, we REALLY need to discuss that 00:45:07 Andrew Whitehead: There’s a PR merged in aca-py to support this method of connectionless credential issuance, and we are working on the out-of-band version 00:45:34 Andrew Whitehead: URL shortening is a bit of a barrier because the message is too large for a QR code 01:01:28 Nathan George: Device —> Device would be my guess 01:01:48 Nathan George: At least for the personal device case 01:02:21 Drummond Reed: Portability and backup/restore are related but orthogonal 01:14:59 Drummond Reed: The “DIDdex” :-) 01:16:59 Nathan George: If you trust it to resolve indefinitely, I suppose 01:23:53 Nathan George: HOTP spect FTW 01:23:56 Nathan George: spec 01:25:38 Andrew Whitehead: put a password on the zip file! :) 01:34:35 Nathan George: Pipe friendly is good 01:35:40 Andrew Whitehead: A bit late to introduce this but there might be some overlap with identity hubs, as in a directory of protocol-specific data objects