12:26:42 From clive boulton : Meeting notes https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/IWG/2020-04-15 12:28:20 From Drummond Reed : Jim, feel free to ask your question here in chat 12:29:45 From Kelly Cooper : Here is the Google Doc with the invitations to join the work streams: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tSF0ARg022jC4Irj5c4bz10oXf0pmHSXoczWuuLeOdw/edit?usp=sharing 12:30:00 From Ram Jagadeesan : @Drummind could you provide a link to the Healthcare worker mobility tracking certification details? 12:30:53 From Kelly Cooper : Short link https://bit.ly/Contribute2CCI 12:34:43 From Bobbi Muscara : Thanks Kelly 12:35:31 From Drummond Reed : @Ram: there is no certification program for healthcare worker mobility yet. I don’t think CCI will get into certification, just an overall governance framework and best practices. 12:37:10 From Ram Jagadeesan : @Drummond thanks for clarifying 12:39:09 From Dan Bachenheimer : as Drummond pointed out already - Contact Tracing is a SEPARATE issue 12:39:32 From Dan Bachenheimer : it is NOT decentralized identity 12:43:36 From Drummond Reed : +1 to Dan’s point. Contact tracing and COVID-19 credentials can work together but they are separate parallel efforts. 12:50:47 From axel | Red Hat : deployed successfully? what's the measure of success… we don't even know clearly how hight a percentage of the population needs to use these apps for them to function, do we? 12:51:19 From axel | Red Hat : I mean, Singapore eventually had to go into lockdown, and less than 20% of the population ended up using it, AFAIK 12:52:42 From Mic Bowman : @axel: good point... is *anything* successful. i'll measure success at this point as "having a prayer of being deployed widely enough to be useful" because first issue for all of these is that without broad deployment they are not helpufl 12:52:43 From clive boulton : [off topic] Contact tracing apps broadens diversity of developers using HL DLT projects. Same effect Android/IOS apps at Google/Apple 12:55:49 From Dan Bachenheimer : thank you Brian! 12:56:04 From Bobbi Muscara : https://www.covidcreds.com 12:56:21 From axel | Red Hat : @Mic: but we don't measure the efficiency of new medicines and clear them to be made available to the general public that way… they first of all have to prove that they won't do more harm than good. These apps should also be approached in this way, i think. 12:57:19 From axel | Red Hat : Agreed with Brian that probably not a time to push for DLT/BC. Really, you can reach 8 million people with a well set-up cluster of servers, under the control of one actor. De we love that idea? nope, but technically, you can. 12:57:39 From axel | Red Hat : I mean, Google pushes hundreds of notifications a day… 13:00:24 From Brian Behlendorf : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/HCSIG/COVID19 still open for help to updated and edit. Thanks! 13:01:17 From Drummond Reed : I have to drop. Thanks everyone. 13:03:46 From axel | Red Hat : same here, need to drop 13:03:47 From axel | Red Hat : thanks! 13:05:06 From Alfonso Govela : Thank you all, I have to drop 13:05:54 From Miguel Jimenez : Same I need to drop too, thank you all :) 13:06:00 From clive boulton : Diff POV. Contact tracing apps brings privacy sensitivity protocols to identity data. i.e. Google/Apple plan to turn off tracing after covid-19. HL projects can deal in trust.