08:03:16 From Richard Esplin : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=29034532 08:11:47 From Sergey Minaev : https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-sdk/pull/2039 is a part of 1.14.2 stable of IndySDK 08:12:30 From Stephen Curran : Thanks, Sergey! 08:33:24 From Michael Lodder : I think they should be separated 08:33:45 From Michael Lodder : Aries-credx is for all 08:33:58 From Michael Lodder : indy-credx is a specific implementation 08:34:56 From Michael Lodder : Aries credx should have generic APIs that are pluggable 08:35:11 From Stephen Curran : +1 to Mike's notes 08:35:15 From Michael Lodder : agreed ken 08:35:57 From Michael Lodder : indy dids 08:45:18 From Troy Ronda : aries-framework-go W3C test suite CI: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go/actions?query=workflow%3Atest-suite 08:49:14 From Michael Lodder : 👍🏻 08:55:55 From Michael Lodder : Andrew can you let me know where your code is that does that? 08:57:44 From Andrew Whitehead : https://github.com/andrewwhitehead/indy-credx/blob/master/wrappers/python/src/buffer.rs