00:07:51 Richard Esplin: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=24779558 00:19:30 Filip Burlacu: send ahead of time and we can discuss on call :) 00:26:03 Stephen Curran: Cool stuff on rotating link secrets, Mike - very interested in what that would mean. 00:28:15 Andrew Whitehead: @Mike Is is possible to get ed25519 -> curve key creation in ursa to avoid pulling in libsodium as well? 00:28:51 John Jordan: good work 00:34:04 Filip Burlacu: I'm presenting on the HTTP & purpose decorator RFCs in the afternoon call, no worries! 00:40:46 John Jordan: 0005 :) 00:46:03 Andrew Whitehead: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-looker-jwm/ 01:01:52 John Jordan: great call folks! 01:02:04 John Jordan: really rich content!