00:53:22 Drummond Reed: +1 to reviewing the charter at the Connectathon 01:10:51 Robert Mitwicki: does it mean that backchannel are optional? 01:11:24 Robert Mitwicki: thx 01:14:20 Robert Mitwicki: why not doing black box testing with standard communication protocols starting with discovery which features are available and then have a script which goes through all features testing if they are following spec? without having any back channel to be implemented by agent dev. 01:15:10 Stephen Curran: Because you want both (all) sides of the test to play all roles. 01:15:13 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): Robert, full testing requires testing actions initiated by the agent under test. Without a way to signal to the agent to begin a certain process, automation of testing is not possible. 01:15:30 Daniel Hardman: @Robert: that doesn’t allow you to reset state. You can’t control the start conditions in the agent’s KMS. 01:18:23 Robert Mitwicki: why not have a feature which allow to trigger those stuff? which can be enable for testing phase. 01:19:17 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): a feature called a backchannel? there is no requirement that the backchannel is available outside of a testing environment. 01:24:31 Robert Mitwicki: I am trying to understand the point why I have to build mine own backchannel if I am testing standard features which should follow official specs. if backchannel is a feature and can communicate on low level directly with core libs and other features it should no be limited by any rest api. right? 01:25:19 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): the REST API is only _one_ way to build a backchannel. Another is the messages defined in the testing RFC. 01:26:00 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): And yes, as core libraries gain support for a testing backchannel, the matching test framework backchannel can be used. 01:26:15 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): As of right now, there is no core library support. 01:27:15 Robert Mitwicki: 👍