12:04:47 From Amit to Vipin Bharathan(Privately) : My microphone is not working so 12:06:30 From Michelle Benham to Vipin Bharathan(Privately) : Please skip my introduction. Thanks! 12:13:49 From Kaliya Identity Woman : Can someone post a link to the page he is on 12:14:02 From Vipin Bharathan to Amit (AyanWorks)(Privately) : It is on the agenda 12:14:16 From Vipin Bharathan : It is on the agenda 12:14:26 From Kaliya Identity Woman : can you post the agenda link here? 12:14:39 From Kalyan (AyanWorks) : https://www.fatf-gafi.org/publications/fatfrecommendations/documents/consultation-digital-id-guidance.html 12:14:41 From Lasse - Deutsche Börse : www.fatf-gafi.org/fr/publications/recommandationsgafi/documents/consultation-digital-id-guidance.html 12:19:19 From Kaliya Identity Woman : Does the document understand the emerging decentralized identity technologies as a way that identity proofing can happen OR is it entirely oriented to be pre-disposed to Phone Home central ID systems 12:22:26 From ROLAND AEROSURETE : Dear Stephan, is there any methodology to assess the level of insurnce you are speaking about ? regrads 12:22:38 From Kaliya Identity Woman : 800-63-3 12:23:22 From ROLAND AEROSURETE : thanks 12:56:26 From Kalyan (AyanWorks) : Hi Nitin, 12:56:36 From Kalyan (AyanWorks) : Can you please share these links on chat here? 12:56:55 From Kalyan (AyanWorks) : That will be great 12:57:42 From Nitin : http://dla.gov.in/ https://digilocker.gov.in/ http://dla.gov.in/sites/default/files/pdf/DigitalLockerTechnologyFramework%20v1.1.pdf http://dla.gov.in/sites/default/files/pdf/MeitY-Consent-Tech-Framework%20v1.1.pdf 12:58:07 From Kalyan (AyanWorks) : Thanks Nitin 13:01:21 From Kaliya Identity Woman : the agenda link wasn’t posted. 13:01:47 From Kaliya Identity Woman : so why not put it in here since we are here… 13:02:36 From ROLAND AEROSURETE : Thanks a lot 13:02:37 From Kelly Cooper : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/IWG/2019-11-27 13:02:41 From ROLAND AEROSURETE : Regrds 13:02:49 From Vipin Bharathan : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/IWG/2019-11-27 13:02:55 From Vipin Bharathan : Bye