01:11:44 Alejandro: Sorry my mic is not working. Great Presentation! I am Alejandro located in Colombia. What would be the best way to get in contact with USAID blockchain team to evaluate a blockchain project in Latin America? Thanks! 01:14:22 Craig Jolley: e-mail me: cjolley@usaid.gov 01:14:29 mbowman: anyone waiting for the architecture meeting we'll wait 01:15:08 Alejandro: ok thanks 01:17:25 mbowman: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gR82yEY6q7M5rWuRV4f0kCnSItOH-d6cZSzYzvR2Vnc/edit#heading=h.sb80fp7r57ue 01:18:12 mbowman: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14paUx8CC_lWV01TMHNmeu3NGxtxb5rgtipyMr3vrR8w/edit 01:40:11 clive boulton: I parsed the bitcoin paper for an IT audience for https://speakerdeck.com/cliveb/why-blockchain-provides-cyber-resilience