00:10:14 Marison Souza, TRUBR: Hi everyone, I'm without speaker right now. This is Marison, from Trubr, private blockchain company from Brazil. 00:22:51 John Jordan (Prov of BC): you have a few people we are working daily with that have deep knowledge now of Indy and our registries work 00:23:16 John Jordan (Prov of BC): oops :) 02:03:01 Marissa Iannarone: Welcome to the Hyperledger Healthcare Working Group Patient Subgroup bi-weekly meeting! I encourage folks to use their video for the meeting! Research shows that bonding is more powerful when video chat is used as opposed to only audio chat Please mute your phones when you are not speaking If you have questions, feel free to enter them into the chat pod for everyone to see Hyperledger antitrust policy can be found here If you'd like to be identified as a member of the patient subgroup, please add your name/email and/or linked in profile to the patient subgroup wiki: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/groups/healthcare/patient_subgroup or add the info into the chat window and I will add it for you Find ongoing dialog and conversations about the donor milk use case in the HCWG Rocket.Chat channel: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/community/chat_channels 02:03:14 Marissa Iannarone: • Agenda for 8/17 meeting @9AM PST 9am-9:30am: We will have a guest, Naomi Bar-Yam, Executive Director of Milk Bank NE, to answer questions regarding the challenges in the current donor milk ecosystem on supply/demand visibility and traceability - Thanks to Anton Ansalmar from Rapid Healthcare for making that introduction 9:30am-10:50am: Angela Courtney, will share what she has learned so far in the early build she has done with Composer 9:50am-10am: wrap up and discuss next steps 02:06:17 Marissa Iannarone: Hyperledger Antitrust policy: https://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy/ 02:41:03 richbl: https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/healthcare-wg 02:41:15 Rayne: Milk safety summary on mother milk bank NE website https://milkbankne.org/safety/ 02:56:53 Ben: Sorry have to drop but already went through the bna. 02:57:08 Marissa Iannarone: thanks, Ben! 03:06:06 Markus Stauffiger (4eyes): I have to drop out as well, sorry. It’s very interesting to see what you are creating within this group, I’ll join future calls and may be able to help with one or the other tasks at hand. 03:06:26 Marissa Iannarone: looking forward to yuor participation Markus!