00:07:20 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=22382505 00:09:03 mwherman2000: I can't see the grid? 00:10:05 Ajay: Its here - https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/Aries+Working+Group 00:11:54 Cam Parra: Can we get link to meet up? 00:12:04 Cam Parra: Thank you 00:23:45 Troy Ronda: How does the AMS/DRI naming relate to the KMS naming last week? 00:24:18 Cam Parra: KMS is just part of AMS 00:25:19 Nader: +1 to the simplified repo approach 00:26:27 Troy Ronda: Ah ok. What’s an example of a data element stored in DRI? I assume the metadata discussed last week is still in KMS. 00:28:06 mwherman2000: AMS=? 00:29:47 George Aristy: Agent Managed Storage 00:29:50 Troy Ronda: Is there some common code in aries-ams beyond interfaces? 00:36:30 mwherman2000: Aries Runtime? 00:38:24 Nader: is it really an SDK if we pull all of the AMS logic out of that repo? 00:40:14 Gary de Beer: core +1 00:40:47 Paul Knowles: We can call things “Core”, “Mantel”, “Crust” 00:41:12 Paul Knowles: Not sure if I’m joking or not … 00:42:44 Ajay: +1 for Core 00:44:33 Ajay: Will it be all in Rust? 00:52:38 Cam Parra: Yes rust is the language for these repos 00:53:13 Stephen Curran: @troy - DRI is anything written to the ledger. DIDs, schema, etc. 00:53:34 Stephen Curran: DR is the name that W3C came up with for the ledger. 00:55:50 Troy Ronda: I think test suites are a good idea. I want to make sure that test suite inclusion isn’t a gate keeper function though. 01:03:16 Gustavo Frederico (Pivotree): An alternative is to choose a date to turn warnings into errors. 01:07:04 George Aristy: Pending questions for the protocol test suite (written by Daniel): https://hackmd.io/JW5b9xYCRGKqyqhVevTZ_g 01:17:52 Troy Ronda: Thanks @Stephen 01:26:40 George Aristy: sorry