00:08:36 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=20023885 00:17:13 Richard Esplin: I am in favor of skipping the call next week. 00:17:18 Steve McCown: +1 for skipping the meeting during IIW. 00:18:02 Andrew Whitehead: Is indy-node 1.10.0 still due this week? 00:18:44 Richard Esplin: Yes, but it is a reduced scope: refactoring and bug fixes, but no PBFT view change. 00:19:20 Richard Esplin: We are considering delaying the release until next week in order to include support for Ubuntu 18.04. We need an estimate on when that work will finish. 00:19:49 Andrew Whitehead: Good to know 01:44:02 John Callahan: Sounds like “stable” vs “edge” when mixing new versions