00:17:08 Carl DiClementi: Is there a rough expected timeline for Indy / Aries split? 00:18:42 Richard Esplin: The morning call has been focused on discussing what architecture we want in a shared Aries library. Once we have decided that, we can figure out how much effort it will take to get from here to there. 00:19:44 Carl DiClementi: Perfectly understandable. Thanks Rich. I'll start attending the morning calls. 01:02:20 Drummond Reed: I find Tobia’s point persuasive 01:07:10 Kyle Den Hartog: I hadn't thought of that 01:07:48 Drummond Reed: That vulnerability is very well known. It just means the verifier needs to do complete verification. 01:33:05 jonnycrunch: https://github.com/w3c-dvcg/lds-ed25519-2018/issues/3 01:34:30 jonnycrunch: 0x7a 0xed01 ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_BYTES