00:17:46 Richard Esplin: Notes on all Aries calls are here: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/Aries+Working+Group 00:24:02 Stephen Curran: https://github.com/bcgov/vc-authn-oidc 00:24:16 Stephen Curran: Repo that Tobias is talking about ^^^ 00:25:51 Rouven Heck: is this aligned with the DIDAuth work? 00:26:44 Stephen Curran: We're trying to make it so. We've been talking to that group at DIF. 00:27:15 Stephen Curran: As noted - it's VC-Auth, so beyond DID-Auth. 00:27:20 Drummond Reed: This flow does NOT use the SIOP (Self-Issued OpenID Provider) profile, correct? 00:27:26 Stephen Curran: Correct 00:28:20 Stephen Curran: Please ask those questions of Tobias when you get a chance. 00:31:51 Drummond Reed: I will 00:39:34 Robert Mitwicki: FYI: https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/using-openid-connect-with-decentralized-identifiers-24733f6fa636 00:57:17 Rouven Heck: Thanks for the feedback. Is there a mailing list where you share agenda ahead of the call? Would have been good to have some folks from the DID Auth group on the call today. 00:58:06 Stephen Curran: No mailing list. We put it in the meeting notes ahead of the session. In this case it wasn't too far in front - yesterday. :-(. We'll try to get that. 00:58:31 Daniel Hardman: @Rouven: the wiki page that’s associated with the meeting invite is where the agenda is edited collaboratively. Anybody can show up and propose items. 00:58:39 Stephen Curran: Rouven - could you or someone present next week on the Interop Project? 00:59:49 Drummond Reed: Or more specifically on the DID Auth WG and how they are approaching SIOP? 00:59:54 Rouven Heck: Ok, thanks Daniel & Stephen 01:01:47 Drummond Reed: @Stephen: yes, one downside of SIOP compared to DIDComm is…no pairwise DIDs! 01:02:26 Rouven Heck: Happy to get InterOp project on the agenda for next week or the week after. We just started a mailing list and Github repo for Interop Project. 01:02:43 Stephen Curran: k - let's connect about that this week and set a time. 01:02:52 Rouven Heck: @here - As mentioned before we want to be more inclusive to DIF members in other timezones Pls. sign up to our mailing list - by sending an email to: InteropProject+subscribe@DIF.groups.io (feel free to share with other folks to sign up). 01:03:18 Drummond Reed: That BTW is also a deficiency of FIDO and WebAuthn - they don’t provide the flexibility of DIDs on both sides either 01:03:37 Rouven Heck: There is a DID auth call tomorrow, maybe some folks could join there tomorrow? 01:03:48 Drummond Reed: What time? 01:04:09 Rouven Heck: 1pm ET 01:05:50 Kyle Den Hartog: yeah I'm going to see if I wake up for the did auth call, but it's 5am for me. I'll listen to the call if I don't make it and follow up with some messages. 01:07:56 Rouven Heck: thanks everyone - need to drop 01:28:42 Drummond Reed: +1 01:33:11 Michael Lodder: yes +1 kyle 01:33:14 Richard Esplin: didcom over avian carrier? teapot didcom? 01:33:54 Drummond Reed: Gotta run