00:22:23 Drummond Reed: That’s quite an author list! 00:30:49 Robert Mitwicki: for merging did documents maybe would be interesting to take a look on the auto automerge https://github.com/automerge/automerge/blob/master/README.md 00:31:22 Drummond Reed: I don’t know about anyone else, but I think this spec should be nominated for an Oskar for Best Spec. 00:33:18 Drummond Reed: Wow, that was a total Freudian slip - I meant “Oscar”, but wrote “Oskar”—because he’s one of the co-authors! :-) 00:35:04 Markus Sabadello: We should invent a new type of award for Best Specs. We can call it a "Drummond"! 00:36:42 Drummond Reed: Ha! 00:36:52 Drummond Reed: Why did I know that the “ 00:37:18 Drummond Reed: “Bob and Alice breaking up” use case was going to come up at some point in the peer DID conversation :-) 00:37:35 Tomislav Markovski: Re merging did docs, might be worth looking at sidetree protocol, defines good merge strategies using commits 00:38:22 Tomislav Markovski: Bob and Alice have been exchanging a lot of love letters, at least in these agent calls, they’re due for some dramatic episode for sure 00:38:33 Drummond Reed: LOL 00:38:39 Tobias Looker: Haha! 00:39:12 Daniel Bluhm: lol I was thinking along the same lines 00:44:47 Drummond Reed: Standing ovation 00:45:04 Stephen Curran: Awesome stuff! 00:45:08 Paul Knowles: Great spec, Daniel! 00:45:14 Daniel Hardman: https://openssi.github.io/peer-did-method-spec 00:45:15 Tobias Looker: Awesome work! 00:46:11 Kyle Den Hartog: Regarding the NSI call to action, it would be cool to see if people can also support both “did:sov:peer:NSI” and “did:peer:NSI” to see how that might break things. This would be useful when dealing with the grafting use case. 00:48:27 Robert Mitwicki: Daniel: where to look for first implementation is it same repo? I would be interested in Kotlin implementation which I could contribute. 00:48:57 Markus Sabadello: https://danubetech.com/temp/HyperledgerAriesResolution.pdf 00:51:02 Daniel Hardman: @Robert: I’m writing the impl in a separate repo at the moment. However, I’ll copy or move it to the same repo by the time I share it next week. And other impls would be great to put in that same repo, if they’re simple enough. 00:53:31 Drummond Reed: Am I missing something? The Local and Remote “Read” operations look identical 00:53:54 Drummond Reed: Ah, “remote read” is the difference... 00:56:52 Drummond Reed: As usual, Markus does a great job at illustrating technical concepts visually 01:01:54 Drummond Reed: One resolver talking to another resolver is of course how DNS resolution typically works 01:02:18 Michael Lodder: From one resolver to another, “Did you resolve it?” 01:02:59 Drummond Reed: @Tobias: my one suggestion in this diagram is to show multiple method drivers in the HTTPWebServer resolver too 01:03:15 Drummond Reed: The same way as you show multiple local method drivers 01:06:32 Tobias Looker: Yes @Drummond I will try and make this diagram a little clearer but I totally agree we should be setting up did drivers so they don’t need to resolve just one did method 01:06:44 Drummond Reed: +1 01:12:34 Paul Knowles: @peacekeeper “type=overlay” should definitely be an addition. (e.g. “did:xyz:1234;type=overlay;id=z9y8x7w6”) 01:13:50 Paul Knowles: +1 to Resolver RFC 01:13:55 Drummond Reed: +1 to drafting a Resolver RFC 01:14:12 Drummond Reed: Second standing ovation in one call! 01:14:24 Markus Sabadello: I like type=overlay 01:19:14 Kyle Den Hartog: Worth noting: Authenticated origin will require DID resolving to link the key in the packed message to a DID. 01:19:24 Drummond Reed: Are we going to call it the “Aries protocol” or the “DIDComm protocol”? 01:19:34 Tobias Looker: +1 to DIDComm protocol 01:19:38 Kyle Den Hartog: -1 for Aries protocol 01:20:49 Kyle Den Hartog: gotcha 01:21:35 Drummond Reed: Is it “DIDComm” or “DIDComms”? And is that the correct spelling (no spaces)? 01:21:44 Kyle Den Hartog: DIDComm officially 01:21:51 Kyle Den Hartog: Colloquially it can be either 01:21:52 Drummond Reed: thanks 01:23:33 Stephen Curran: Definitely no "s". I thought it was "DIDcomm", but I could be wrong. 01:24:44 Kyle Den Hartog: I’ve not used lowercase “c” but I see no reason why it couldn’t be used in that way and would be willing to change. 01:24:49 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): I like DIDComm. 01:25:04 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): but unviolently so. 01:25:09 Stephen Curran: BTW - Daniel went through the rationale for no "s". 01:25:19 Drummond Reed: I like DIDComm. 01:26:08 Daniel Hardman: Re. “didcomm” vs. “didcomms”, the official discussion on this question took place in GitHub issues: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/issues/73