00:06:55 Kyle Den Hartog: Sam did my demo of the signature stuff get removed from the agenda? 00:08:07 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2019-06-12+Aries+Working+Group+Call 00:09:10 Andrew Hughes: @Sam - can you please add me - don’t want to set up a userid… 00:12:43 Andrew Hughes: Michael Richardson - would you mind muting? hearing typing drops 00:33:09 Michael Richardson: sorry...done 00:47:54 Steve Magennis: thank you 00:51:30 Andrew Hughes: Thanks for letting me hog the call today - I’ll post more contact information and links in the meeting notes for the call. If you’d like to talk about implementation ideas, we are eager to hear them - email is best. 01:09:47 Tobias Looker: Thanks! 01:12:59 Robert Mitwicki: seems that part of the Stephan's talk is encrypted ;) 01:13:14 George Aristy: ha! yep 01:13:15 Tobias Looker: Ha yeah I am getting that too! 01:13:18 Tomislav Markovski: I thought that was only me 01:13:37 Drummond: It’s a special feature of Aries calls. Dogfooding!! 01:31:45 Drummond: I like aries-python-agent 01:36:08 Drummond: So calling it Aries-python-agent covers that nicely 01:36:37 moushmi.banerjee: Its not clear what is the split between Aries and Indy. 01:36:38 Steve McCown: Is it the intent to provide “Aries Agent” for all code bases? Otherwise, many will need to jump to the SDK layer, anyway… 01:37:03 moushmi.banerjee: Is Aries the client side frameworks including agents and wallets? 01:37:20 Daniel Hardman: yes 01:37:33 Drummond: I think the idea is to have multiple language implementations of an Aries agent. 01:38:23 moushmi.banerjee: Makes sense 01:38:33 Drummond: which is why naming them by language makes sense, e.g., Aries-rust-agent, aries-nodejs-agent, etc 01:38:36 moushmi.banerjee: Aries might still need some SDK’s for agents and wallets 01:38:43 Drummond: yes 01:38:57 Drummond: Gotta drop for another call 01:41:47 Nader Helmy: This meta-level discussion should really be captured somewhere 01:41:57 Nader Helmy: The outcomes, anyway 01:42:04 Kyle Den Hartog: It’s my intent to make it into an RFC 01:42:24 Nader Helmy: +1 thanks Kyle 01:43:10 Nader Helmy: especially what’s a framework vs what’s a protocol vs what is a component and how Aries relates to all that 01:45:21 Robert Mitwicki: isn't Aries is skeleton to which people can pull any plugins and components which they need?