00:04:52 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2019-06-05+Aries+Working+Group+Call 00:06:58 Oliver Terbu: could you pls share the link to the minutes again? 00:08:25 Nathan George: As a developer you call an sdk, where a framework calls you 00:12:09 Kyle Den Hartog: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2019-06-05+Aries+Working+Group+Call 00:12:18 Kyle Den Hartog: This is the doc showing on the screen 00:12:47 Kyle Den Hartog: You may need a LF account to login and add your name Oliver. If you want I can add it for you. 00:15:19 Oliver Terbu: thx 00:24:12 Troy Ronda: So to clarify, are the new aries-sdk-* repos wrappers (or not) of a rust library? 00:24:55 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): Troy: Yes. That rust library will land inside aries-sdk itself. 00:25:06 Nathan George: They build on top of the core rust library and basic language wrapper provided “real soon now” by the aries-sdk repo 00:28:57 Oliver Terbu: as far as i know, on android that should be possible. 00:35:40 Drummond Reed: Nicely presented, Tomislav 00:36:47 Tomislav Markovski: Thank you 00:38:33 Darrell ODonnell: Agreed - great stuff Tomislav! 00:41:30 Drummond Reed: I like it 00:45:12 Drummond Reed: Nice 00:50:25 Kyle Den Hartog: Gotcha, I hadn’t read that part. That part about adopted messages specifying about a version was what I had in mind. 00:54:05 Nathan George: :( the “buy house” protocol for Alice is the “sell house” protocol for Bob 01:01:42 Darrell ODonnell: I’ll volunteer to be dissatisfied 01:02:23 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): Thanks Darrell 01:02:30 Darrell ODonnell: Dissatisfied dictator - I am IN! 01:02:46 Drummond Reed: Benevolent dictator, of course :-) 01:03:01 Steve Magennis: of course... 01:04:08 Drummond Reed: This is killing me, but I must jump to another call. I really wanted to hear the wallet naming discussion. Oh well, I’ll just have to trust the “community”. Be wise, gang :-) 01:04:31 Troy Ronda: Another interesting topic is which of the protocol / message families are intended to be more standardized beyond this community (and to show the layering). 01:04:40 Drummond Reed: +1 01:05:09 Drummond Reed: Planning for protocol evolution—but not overplanning for it—will be important 01:10:41 Michael Lodder: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-multiformats-multibase-01 01:11:37 jonnycrunch: +1 to multiformats 01:13:14 Steve McCown: Ditto on the multibase data format 01:13:42 Nathan George: +1 please give us homework and things we should read to understand early and ask better questions on the call 01:17:13 Oliver Terbu: will do 01:21:10 Troy Ronda: “Hello”, “Handshake”? 01:22:07 Steve McCown: DID Handshake Protocol? DID Exchange Protocol? 01:22:50 Daniel Bluhm: +1 for DID Exchange