00:29:48 Rafael Belchior: Feel free to make questions during the presentation, on the chat 00:30:12 Evan Fontana: Ok, thank you. 00:34:30 Sean Bohan: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/events/Blockchain+Interoperability+with+Hyperledger+Cacti is the link to the wiki page with prerequisites And we will be answering questions here in zoom chat as well as on Discord. You can join the Hyperledger Discord here: https://discord.gg/hyperledger and you should post questions in the #cacti-contributors channel Link for Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM-dnP2yzRM 00:38:46 Daniel Zarifpour: Can I follow along with MacOS? 00:39:06 Saravanan Dharmalingam: What is the recommended RAM size to use this project? 00:39:23 Andres Gomez: Hello can you please copy the link to the setup in the chat? 00:40:45 Artur Posluszny: Can you send link to YT stream 00:41:13 Sean Bohan: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/events/Blockchain+Interoperability+with+Hyperledger+Cacti is the link to the wiki page with prerequisites And we will be answering questions here in zoom chat as well as on Discord. You can join the Hyperledger Discord here: https://discord.gg/hyperledger and you should post questions in the #cacti-contributors channel Link for Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM-dnP2yzRM 00:41:18 T Chary: https://youtu.be/TM-dnP2yzRM 00:42:26 Artur Posluszny: Thanks 00:43:40 Sean Bohan: https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus/blob/main/BUILD.md is the link in the QR code 00:45:02 Andres Gomez: thank you 00:45:54 Sean Bohan: For those who just joined: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/events/Blockchain+Interoperability+with+Hyperledger+Cacti is the link to the wiki page with prerequisites And we will be answering questions here in zoom chat as well as on Discord. You can join the Hyperledger Discord here: https://discord.gg/hyperledger and you should post questions in the #cacti-contributors channel Link for Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM-dnP2yzRM Workshop tools: https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus/blob/main/BUILD.md 00:53:06 Stephan: I have to leave to a meeting.. will there be a full recording 00:53:12 Shane Tay: can we get reference to the research paper? 00:53:18 Stephan: thank you 00:53:33 Shane Tay: thank you 00:53:42 Stephan: perfect 00:53:54 Daniel Zarifpour: i failed to start the dev container on macOS, are there specific instructions for macOS or would it be the same as the instructions for Linux? 00:54:45 André Augusto: The research paper: https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3564532 00:54:47 Daniel Zarifpour: referencing the instuctions here: https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus/tree/main/.devcontainer 01:01:35 John Kent: I assume a relay must be created/maintained for each DLT Protocol? Are there any evolving standards (API/RPC) for common interactions with DLT/chains to help with interoperability? 01:04:30 Maurizio Garzelli: So is this relay going to be practically a smart contract? and if so, one could create one for Etherium right? 01:08:26 Chandramohan Jagtap: Can we connect private blockchain with public blockchain using relay?? ex. Hyperledger Fabric to Cosmos Hub?? 01:09:14 Rafael Belchior: A relay is a centralized server that redirects messages 01:09:31 Fahd BOUAICHA: what type of blockchain can we create with hyperledger cactus ? 01:09:34 Rafael Belchior: Typically the messages contain proof that a message is valid 01:09:59 Rafael Belchior: @Fahd Hyperledger Cacti allows creating multi-blockchain applications, not blockchains 01:10:19 Muhammad Irfan Khalid: what's the main and primary difference b/w cacti and fabric? 01:10:49 André Augusto: There is an implementation of this relay/gateway in Cactus, I will be talking about this later today 01:11:05 Chris Skinner: Thank you, Rama - really cleat and informative 01:11:08 Chris Skinner: *clear 01:12:10 Fahd BOUAICHA: Thank you Rafael 01:12:48 Rafael Belchior: Muhammad, Fabric allows you to configure and deploy private blockchains. Cacti allows you to connect to different blockchains 01:13:06 Rafael Belchior: When you see some code it will be easier to understand 01:13:15 Rafael Belchior: Please keep posting your questions - don’t be shy :) 01:13:37 Muhammad Irfan Khalid: Thank you @rafael 01:15:33 suba s: This is a great session. May I know if the recording be sent to the group? 01:16:10 Rajan Polawar: is cacti uses any consensus mechanism? 01:16:13 Sean Bohan: Yes @suba - we are streaming to Youtube and the recording will be available on the Hyperledger YT channel 01:16:17 Muhammad Irfan Khalid: recording be seen on Youtube 01:16:27 Rafael Belchior: Great question, @Rajan. Let me elaborate: 01:17:10 Rafael Belchior: There are some interoperability solutions that do consensus on the messages to be passed Among blockchains (basically using a blockchain to do interoperability among blockchains). Cacti have relays which decentralize the interoperability process, or Cacti nodes (centralized components) 01:17:47 Stephen Fan: How to ensure the data integrity on a relay? Is there any authority assumed for a relay? 01:17:47 Rafael Belchior: This allows you to build applications for your organization that interact with different blockchains (imagine, trading assets across blockchains) according to your defined business logic 01:18:40 Rafael Belchior: @Stephen, great question. Data integrity is assured by signing messages before being sent. Now if you want to prove the correctness of the message you need to verify the proof. @Rama can provide more insight on that question 01:18:53 suba s: thank you 01:19:09 Sean Bohan: For those who joined late https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/events/Blockchain+Interoperability+with+Hyperledger+Cacti is the link to the wiki page with prerequisites And we will be answering questions here in zoom chat as well as on Discord. You can join the Hyperledger Discord here: https://discord.gg/hyperledger and you should post questions in the #cacti-contributors channel Research Paper mention in session: The research paper: https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3564532 Workshop tools: https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus/blob/main/BUILD.md Link to the youtube stream (steamed to Hyperledger Youtube channel, available for anyone after the workshop): https://youtu.be/TM-dnP2yzRM 01:20:53 Shane Tay: can the proof be checked / inquire from counterparty blockchain? 01:21:45 Shane Tay: understood. thanks! 01:23:09 Rafael Belchior: Thanks for the questions so far! 01:23:25 Stephen Fan: Thanks, Rafael. 01:23:43 Rafael Belchior: Firefly is implemented using Go 01:27:01 Maurizio Garzelli: is it similar as hyperledger grid? 01:29:53 Chandramohan Jagtap: Is it possible to connect Supernode to multiple DLTs?? 01:30:19 Rajan Polawar: hyperledger > composer > cacti > other blockchain... is this correct ? 01:30:19 Rafael Belchior: Does the system support malicious super nodes or we assume a permissioned environment? 01:31:06 Rajan Polawar: communicationd is this way hyperledger fabric > composer > cacti > other blockchain... is this correct understanding? 01:31:41 Rafael Belchior: @Rajan, yes but composer is deprecated so would be fabric > cacti > business logic > etc 01:32:16 Rajan Polawar: noted thank you 01:38:06 Chandramohan Jagtap: Very good session. 01:38:18 Adrien Siegfried: thanks !! 01:38:22 Fahd BOUAICHA: Thank you Niko 01:39:18 John Kent: Thanks for great FireFly demo and overview. 01:39:35 Nicolas Aubin: do I understand right that FireFly allows communication with Private and Public blockchains ? 01:40:18 Senthilkumar Sugumaran: am new for the Web3 world.. would you be sharing the deck presented? 01:40:34 Senthilkumar Sugumaran: it was a great session and could get to get some basics on 01:40:36 Stephen Fan: Is it possible to connect multiple Besu private networks to support sending private transactions? 01:40:38 Sasi Shekhar Kanuri: Any documentation reference for setting up production network of Firefly supernode. 01:40:48 Sasi Shekhar Kanuri: I could see only CLI mode 01:40:48 Chris Skinner: Could it integrate with a multi node chat app to save history across servers 01:40:52 Chris Skinner: ? 01:41:02 Sean Bohan: @senthilkumar - we are live-streaming this and it will be on the Hyperledger Youtube 01:41:15 Chris Skinner: Thank you! Super Firefly 01:41:23 Chris Skinner: Super interesting 01:41:34 Senthilkumar Sugumaran: perfect! thanks 01:42:15 Nicko Guyer: Thanks everyone! Unfortunately I need to drop for another (mandatory) meeting. Happy to take up questions/discussion in the #firefly channel in the Hyperledger Discord server. Thanks again! 01:42:33 Chris Skinner: 🙏 01:42:49 Senthilkumar Sugumaran: Is Hyperledger firefly or Cacti part of Hyperledger fabric? 01:43:09 Senthilkumar Sugumaran: I remember from one of my earlier hackathons where I have seen IBM is working on solutions on Hyperledger fabric few years but had to drop the project off 01:43:50 Sean Bohan: @senthilkumar - Firefly and Cacti are incubated projects at Hyperledger, Fabric is a graduated project 01:44:00 Rafael Belchior: @Senthilkumar, Cacti and Firefly are independent of Fabric/use Fabric as a building block 01:44:10 Sean Bohan: IBM is still a contributor to Fabric 01:44:35 Rafael Belchior: I’m not sure IBM dropped the project as it is actively maintained 01:46:31 Senthilkumar Sugumaran: ok.. thanks for the info.. 01:46:36 Rafael Belchior: Pair programming calls are super useful, Peter will help out with any doubts 01:51:32 Amo sha: When compiling the package on mac m1 I get some sort or errors! Is Mac m1 supported? 01:51:53 Chris Skinner: Carbon accounting is super interesting, where can I read up on that? 01:52:11 Rafael Belchior: Please if someone gets any problems building the project write on chat 01:52:21 Jorge De La O: this slides are going to be available? 01:52:33 Rafael Belchior: @Amo, unfortunately no. But you can still run some examples without building the project 01:52:39 Sean Bohan: @chris skinner - https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/CASIG/ 01:52:54 Sean Bohan: @jorge - the slides will be shared and linked to on youtube 01:52:56 Chris Skinner: Also on Mac m1 - had some issues but thought it was just me not being able to follow instructions 😂 01:53:02 Shane Tay: @Chris https://github.com/opentaps/blockchain-carbon-accounting 01:53:09 Rafael Belchior: No, no. You’re not the only fallen warriors 01:53:16 Saravanan Dharmalingam: 1) What is main language used to develop it? (2) Can I use Java to implement some use case for my delivery? 01:53:23 Rafael Belchior: I have to use a VM for now because I have an M1 01:53:29 Rafael Belchior: But hopefully we will add support for M1 soon 01:53:37 Chris Skinner: Thanks @Sean and @Shane! 01:53:38 Daniel Zarifpour: which vm are you using rafael 01:53:57 Rafael Belchior: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 01:53:59 Chris Skinner: Nice workaround, Rafael! Thank you!! 01:54:11 Rafael Belchior: Well, it’s as good as we can do 01:54:12 Daniel Zarifpour: and are you using a local software to run it? 01:54:20 Rafael Belchior: Since it’s hard to run a VM on M1 as well 01:54:22 Rafael Belchior: Using google cloud 01:54:36 Daniel Zarifpour: got it 01:54:40 Rafael Belchior: Saravanan, Cactus uses typescript. You can use Java, we will talk about it soon 01:54:48 Amo sha: @Rafael It’s hard to run vm on m1 01:54:56 Saravanan Dharmalingam: Thank you Rafael. 01:54:56 Chris Skinner: Thsnks, Rafael! 01:56:29 Amo sha: Thanks @Rafael 01:56:55 suvajit sarkar: i'm on GitHub codespaces, basic build worked now 01:57:03 Rafael Belchior: We will resume at :36 01:57:13 Rafael Belchior: I’ll be around to clarify any doubts during the break 01:57:13 Frank Rogowski: Thank you 01:57:56 Sean Bohan: https://github.com/features/codespaces 01:57:56 Fahd BOUAICHA: do I understand right that Hyperledger Cactus is a web application system designed to allow users to securely integrate different blockchains. - So Cactus allows communication with Private and Public blockchains ? 01:58:01 Devendran Muthukumaramani: https://github.com/codespaces 01:58:04 Daniel Zarifpour: that's awesome I'm trying it now 01:58:50 Shane Tay: what is the building block behind building the adapter? briefly 02:00:30 Shane Tay: yeah. the weaver adapter / connecter that talks to ledger 02:01:16 Shane Tay: ah . no worries. thank you 02:03:38 Daniel Zarifpour: why would someone use cacti vs firefly? 02:04:23 Senthilkumar Sugumaran: is there a way to connect to this core blockchain with some of the low code platforms like bunzz or thirdweb? 02:05:56 Rafael Belchior: @Daniel the projects have similarities and differences. Let’s talk a bit about this on the Q&A 02:06:10 Daniel Zarifpour: thanks @Rafael 02:06:13 Rafael Belchior: What is “this core blockchain”? 02:08:37 Senthilkumar Sugumaran: basically, my idea is to see and explore on low code platforms for Web3.. 02:09:17 Senthilkumar Sugumaran: my firm works mainly on Low code app/web dev areas like Microsoft Power Platform, Outsystems, etc 02:09:36 Senthilkumar Sugumaran: exploring to see if we have something on the Low code lines for web3 02:20:51 Rafael Belchior: Low code for web3 is probably the direction firefly tries to go 02:24:17 Rafael Belchior: Anyone needs help with setting up the project? 02:28:03 Chris Skinner: Just trying to get cactus running on codespaces 🙂 02:28:09 Devendran Muthukumaramani: I am using GH Codespaces and I've cloned the repo. Am I right in thinking that I follow the next steps as mentioned in https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus/blob/main/BUILD.md? - i.e. compiling and testing? 02:28:42 Rafael Belchior: I haven’t used code spaces 02:28:56 Chris Skinner: Oh.. how did you do it Rafael ? 02:29:21 Rafael Belchior: I follow BUILD.md on my local ubuntu machine 02:29:26 Shane Tay: I know hashgraph not supported out-ouf-the-box just wodering if building the connector for DLT will be significantly different as DLT does not leveraging on block 02:29:29 Rafael Belchior: So I had to install the dependencies manually 02:29:53 Rafael Belchior: And then run "yarn run configure” 02:30:05 Rafael Belchior: Its a bit more cumbersome 02:30:11 Rafael Belchior: The best way is to use the dev container 02:30:27 Rafael Belchior: @Shane I think the difficulty wouldn’t be very different 02:30:38 Rafael Belchior: Because you are basically implementing a wrapper over that blockchain’s sdk 02:30:48 Chris Skinner: Thanks, Rafael, I’ll give it a go on ubuntu 02:31:09 Shane Tay: @rafael. ahh, that gave me some insight. thanks 02:44:58 suvajit sarkar: where do we have the workshop example? don't see it on the public repo 02:45:13 Rafael Belchior: https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus/pull/2204 02:45:17 suvajit sarkar: ok 02:52:44 Andres Gomez: Thank you all for the seminar. It has been very informative, i will have to finish with the archived version. 02:53:02 Daniel Zarifpour: for those on codespaces you can add his remote in with : git remote add workshop https://github.com/RafaelAPB/blockchain-integration-framework.git 02:53:42 Daniel Zarifpour: then you can syncronize in “remotes” and checkout the branch workshop-examples 02:54:00 Devendran Muthukumaramani: Thank you Daniel 02:59:02 Frank Rogowski: Thank you all. I need to jet to another meeting. Niely done today. TY. 02:59:19 Sean Bohan: @Frank - this will be on the Hyperledger YouTube later today 02:59:38 Frank Rogowski: @Sean Perfect. 02:59:52 Daniel Zarifpour: what was that yarn command from before to resolve the TS issue? 03:00:30 André Augusto: I believe “yarn run watch” 03:05:06 Shane Tay: so packages in cacti serve the core operations like CRUD for the interop? 03:06:39 Rafael Belchior: Cacti plugins can expose endpoints (see for example packages/cactus-plugin-ledger-connector-fabric/src/main/typescript/run-transaction/run-transaction-endpoint-v1.ts). When you run the connector inside an API server, it initialises the endpoints that the connector defines 03:07:11 Rafael Belchior: Then with the generated code from the OpenAPI definition (basically an SDK client), you can call such endpoints (that can define CRUD operations or any other) 03:18:07 Shane Tay: much clearer now. thanks Rafael. 03:25:27 André Augusto: https://github.com/AndreAugusto11/cactus/tree/feat-cbdc-bridging-example 03:26:35 André Augusto: https://github.com/AndreAugusto11/cactus/blob/feat-cbdc-bridging-example/examples/cactus-example-cbdc-bridging/README.md 03:27:00 Devendran Muthukumaramani: How does this work in terms of transaction/gas costs, especially on the Fabric side where native currency/token may not be mandatory? 03:28:37 Shane Tay: if i understand correctly there are two transactions, one happened in Fabric may not have gas (destroy asset). the creation asset on the other ledger (public) may incur gas fees. 03:28:44 Elisabeth Green: can you put the link here? the QR code said, sorry, unable to open the file at this time. 03:28:44 Devendran Muthukumaramani: Great, thank you, that clarifies my question 03:29:15 Devendran Muthukumaramani: Thanks Shane, makes sense :) 03:29:32 André Augusto: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MBjxsVnjEgCnzL0t62s8roOENYcZybiQ/view?usp=sharing 03:31:17 Rafael Belchior: Makes sense 03:31:39 Rafael Belchior: As soon as you interoperate your assets to the public blockchain you may loose control over it 03:31:45 Devendran Muthukumaramani: Thank you very much Rafael, Andre, and everyone who have created and contributed to this informative session/workshop 03:31:48 Daniel Zarifpour: why use cacti over firefly, what are the differences? what is the primary purpose of cacti - how does it differ from firefly? 03:31:54 Manish Garg: but central bank can accept creation or incoming assets 03:32:21 Rafael Belchior: We are almost at the end 🙂 03:32:38 Manish Garg: Great session, really enjoyed it 03:32:43 Rafael Belchior: By the way, please feel free to reach out if you are thinking of researching interoperability 03:32:47 Kwesi Batchelor: https://twitter.com/kwesibatchelor 03:32:52 Rafael Belchior: Or apply to a summer internship at Hyperledger 03:33:02 Kwesi Batchelor: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kwesibatchelor/ 03:33:02 Manish Garg: Thanks Hyperledger team and all the presenters and contributors 03:33:38 Manish Garg: Please do share the recording and slides. 03:34:46 Rafael Belchior: We will Manish 03:34:48 Rafael Belchior: Thanks for attending 03:35:05 Rafael Belchior: Note that the Weaver source code is Rust and Cactus is Typescript 03:35:11 Rafael Belchior: Integration is not straightforward 03:35:15 Sean Bohan: @manish - we will send out a thank you email with links as well as include them on the wiki page AND the YouTube video 03:35:20 Rafael Belchior: And btw you can develop your plugin in any language 03:35:38 Nandeeswaran Rajanbabu: Thanks Hyperledger Team! 03:36:32 Stephen Fan: Very informative session! Thank you Hyperledger Team! 03:36:45 Rafael Belchior: Thanks for attending, Stehpen 03:36:52 Rafael Belchior: And Nandeeswaran! 03:38:50 Shane Tay: is interop solution type used by cacti is strictly atomic swap or can it be others like two-way / ledger entry point etc. ? should be possible through plugin i suppose? 03:38:56 Chris Skinner: Thank you - great session - will def join pair programming 03:39:52 Manish Garg: Just considering different languages of Weaver and Caci, is it right time to contribute to code? 03:41:21 Sibabrata Banerjee: Great work, and very informative session. There’s quite a lot within the presentation (links), and hoping to get them shared. 03:42:41 Sam Onaga: the whole thing was great for me, thank you, and i'll re-watch on youtube to reinforce what's really there. 03:43:07 Daniel Zarifpour: reposting: why use cacti over firefly, what are the differences? what is the primary purpose of cacti - how does it differ from firefly? 03:43:31 Maurizio Garzelli: This is such an eye opener!!!! thank you so much! 03:45:21 Elisabeth Green: Rafael, will there be a way to keep assets locked on public blockchain? 03:45:28 Shane Tay: @Daniel in short , Firefly try to build web3 solutions out-of-the-box making the development rapid and easier. Cacti from my observation have a lot more customizations and refined use cases 03:45:50 Daniel Zarifpour: thank you very much 03:46:01 Daniel Zarifpour: @rafael and shane 03:46:14 Rafael Belchior: Thanks Shane ;) 03:46:26 Shane Tay: is interop solution type used by cacti is strictly atomic swap or can it be others like two-way / ledger entry point etc. ? should be possible through plugin i suppose? 03:46:40 Imre Kocsis: Any specific plans for SSI (Indy/Aries) in Cactus? (E.g., to show that I'm allowed to request an operation as a client) 03:47:02 Imre Kocsis: Apologies, Cacti 03:49:23 Shane Tay: @Imre i believe they already have something similar through IdentityFederation plugin 03:49:47 Imre Kocsis: Thanks, I will check that out 03:52:12 Shane Tay: Got little bit lost in the details throughout demo :) thanks for the confirmation 03:53:05 Sean Bohan: We will send out an email to registrants with links to things like the deck and YouTube AND will include those links on the Youtube video 03:53:42 Regan A: Is it possible to scale a deployed network using Cacti? Like adding nodes at a later point in time 03:53:58 Daniel Zarifpour: thank you, this was awesome. cheers! 03:56:16 Regan A: Thanks for the great session! 03:56:22 Fahd BOUAICHA: Dear Sir/Madam, I know this is out of presentation But, My name is Fahd Bouaicha, studying Computer Engineering final year at Private University of Fez, Morocco. I am writing this regarding an internship opportunity as a part of my education. I am interested in working in anything related to Blockchain technology. Do you have any opportunity for internship on a Hyperledger Fabric or Cactus? linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/fahdbouaicha/ mail: fahd.bouaicha.dev@gmail.com 03:56:24 Shane Tay: this is a pretty cool project. would love to follow more on the development for this project. thank you for all the maintainers / presenters. 03:56:35 Rafael Belchior: Thanks Shane! 03:56:39 Maurizio Garzelli: Thank you! 03:56:40 Rafael Belchior: And also for clarifying doubts 😛 03:56:49 Shane Tay: thanks Rafael :) and everyone else. 03:56:55 Fahd BOUAICHA: thank u