00:11:49 Steve Magennis: display! 00:13:23 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2019-05-15+Aries+Working+Group+Call 00:15:34 Albert Solana: Sorry guys, how can I edit the document. I do not have a Hyperledger user. 00:15:50 Duane Johnson: I can help if you’d like me to enter info for you 00:15:51 Stephen Curran: You'll have to get one. 00:16:00 Stephen Curran: To be able to edit. 00:16:16 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2019-05-15+Aries+Working+Group+Call 00:42:28 Daniel Bluhm: +1 for Tobias and Nathan lol 00:42:45 Nathan George: Mattr lockbox demo++ 00:47:44 Duane Johnson: Very interesting use case 00:49:19 Gary de Beer (Dibbs_ZA): I got mine. Yaya 00:50:23 Kyle Den Hartog: +1 to presentations like this 00:57:57 Oskar van Deventer (TNO): What happers to the current set of Hipes 0002 - 0037? 00:58:08 Oskar van Deventer (TNO): What happens to current draft Hipes? 01:04:34 Brent Zundel: Can I admit I'm a little disappointed we're calling them RFCs? I was looking forward to submitting APEs :) 01:04:55 Kyle Den Hartog: +1 to APEs 01:14:51 George Aristy: Can someone share a link to DID Comms? 01:16:16 Kyle Den Hartog: https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-hipe/tree/master/text/0028-wire-message-format 01:17:24 George Aristy: thanks 01:17:41 Daniel Bluhm: Anyone have a link to reading on MLS? 01:17:56 Kyle Den Hartog: https://github.com/mlswg/mls-protocol 01:18:01 Daniel Bluhm: Thanks! 01:18:04 Kyle Den Hartog: https://github.com/mlswg/mls-architecture 01:18:10 Kyle Den Hartog: It’s two pieces right now 01:18:31 Kyle Den Hartog: The architecture describes the intent well, the protocol dives into the crypto 01:19:44 Gary de Beer (Dibbs_ZA): Like TEDx +1 01:19:54 Duane Johnson: I like that 01:27:18 Troy Ronda: +1 to having the meeting first 01:35:27 Tobias Looker: +1 to Daniels idea 01:43:52 Duane Johnson: See you! 01:43:56 Gary de Beer (Dibbs_ZA): bye