09:03:47 From Char Howland To Everyone: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/IWG/2023-10-05%3A+Identity+Special+Interest+Group 09:19:40 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) To Everyone: I remain disappointed that VLEIs are not issued in a more broadly useful format. 09:19:55 From Jim Mason To Everyone: Reacted to "I remain disappointe..." with πŸ‘ 09:20:13 From Lynn Bendixsen (Indicio) To Everyone: Reacted to "I remain disappointe..." with πŸ‘ 09:26:09 From Vipin Bharathan To Everyone: I remain disappointed that VLEIs are not issued in a more broadly useful format. What changes would you propose? 09:26:50 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) To Everyone: What changes would you propose? GLIEF should be issuing credentials in all popular formats. 09:27:03 From Jim Mason To Everyone: Reacted to "What changes would y..." with πŸ‘ 09:27:23 From Alex To Everyone: Reacted to "What changes would y…" with πŸ‘ 09:27:24 From Alex To Everyone: Removed a πŸ‘ reaction from "What changes would y…" 09:28:01 From N ~ To Everyone: On slide 16, you mentioned Person encoded as a String. What is the string? If name, how does this system handle change of names etc. ? 09:29:01 From Vipin Bharathan To Everyone: On slide 16, you mentioned Person encoded as a String. What is the string? If name, how does this system handle change of names etc. ? I think it is LEI. That string- Leave Karal to answer 09:29:18 From Vipin Bharathan To Everyone: Karla I mean 09:29:56 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) To Everyone: ACDC's have nice internal credential chaining, but chaining is possible using external chains. GLIEF risks loosing market leadership in identifying orgs (and org reps) to another body that isn't dogmatic about their technology choice. 09:49:34 From N ~ To Everyone: What is the currently imagined store of vLEIs? Is it hoped to be some sort of app, some special device like a key, or cloud system? 09:50:18 From N ~ To Everyone: Yes, Basically what Vipin is asking. How does one secure the secrets? 09:52:54 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) To Everyone: We do put bearer tokens in a wallet. 09:54:08 From Tim Bloomfield To Everyone: We have 7 minutes left and have not got to did:webs. Can we park this conversation until after the presentation? 09:54:23 From Alex To Everyone: A concrete example of such a set-up in Switzerland where I live is the ability to require in a DocuSign a verified e-signature, that is a e-signature that has been verified by Swisscom, an accredited verifier. As a guarantor of the company I am at today, I e-signed Dicu-Sign document with just an extra code (secret) requested on a phone prompt or email prompt verified by Swisscom (the verifier). No Wallet. This vLEI enables a global version of this concept. Sorry, cannot talk, on a train. 09:56:59 From Alex To Everyone: In other words, such systems exist and work today. It is not new. It just a question of making it a global system rather than a national system and vLEI is very well placed to do so. 10:01:01 From Vipin Bharathan To Everyone: We had Dr. Sam present KERI here, we had one of the first such presentations, the audio/video can be accessed in our Wiki 10:01:21 From Jim Mason To Everyone: Reacted to "We had Dr. Sam prese..." with πŸ‘ 10:01:23 From Karla McKenna To Everyone: The vLEI Ecosystem Governance Framework contains the requirements for an organization to decide to leverage vLEIs in a variety of business use cases and operations to cover the organizational identity needs of these use cases and operations. The Credential Frameworks (for the Legal Entity vLEI and OOR/ECR vLEI) describe how a company decides who will authorize and commit to the relationship between the company and the QVI; how that person is Identity Assured and Verified; and then how additional persons within that organization will be put forward as the β€˜day to day’ operational contacts interacting with the QVI to authorize the issuance and revocation of vLEI credentials. Then USAGE of vLEI then is further defined by the company in whatever internal and external use cases, operations and engagements. The link to these documents is on the vLEI EGF slide that I presented before. 10:02:29 From Hyperledger Foundation To Everyone: Sam Smith’s video - https://youtu.be/Xv-oL0Q-RBQ 10:02:41 From Lance Byrd To Everyone: https://github.com/trustoverip/tswg-did-method-webs-specification https://trustoverip.github.io/tswg-did-method-webs-specification/ https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/did-webs-resolver