Call Time: 8:00 Pacific / 17:00 Central Europe
Recordings From the Call:
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Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
- Stephen Curran (BC Gov/Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <>
- Daniel Bluhm (Indicio PBC) <>
- ACA-Py documentation:
- Release 1.0.0 – rc5 ready, but failing tests...
- A new approach to the AATH Backchannel – Sheldon Regular
- DIDComm-enable the AATH Engine, publishing an invitation
- Components under Test (CUTs) use invitation to connect to the AATH Engine
- AATH Engine sends instructions to CUTs using Aries DRPC protocol
- AATH defines the set of RPCs it will send out, and what responses it expects.
- Backchannel becomes an Aries Controller – receiving directions via the DRPC protocol.
- Implements each type of instruction to CUTs
- Backchannel is not built into the framework
- Key benefit – enables the use of a wallet app to participate in the test suite.
- DRPC exists in Credo and ACA-Py already
- ACA-Py conformance with the W3C VCDM 2.0 / DI-ED25519 test suite - Patrick St-Louis
- did:tdw in ACA-Py – design notes from Daniel Bluhm
- Open PRs
- Open Issues:
- Other hot issues.
- Open Discussion